1. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
This song has some definite backmasking technique hidden within specific lines. The irony of the song is that it references heaven, while backwards it references Hell through using Satan's name. The lines are too pronounced and clear for it not to be considered backmasking; it seems intentional.
2. Imagine by John Lennon
The only reason why it may be considered reverse speech is because of the lyrics that were put with the song, meaning it does not sound clear if one listens to the song without reading the lyrics. The suggested lyrics sound ironic because it uses war, while John Lennon promoted peace in the anti-war movement.
3. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
There are hints of intentional backmasking in the lyrics, due to the clarity of the words when heard backwards. The beginning lyrics say “Evil save us...” while in her actual song does not promote the same content. The backmasking lyrics may have the hidden message that the world is full of hidden evils, like parts of the Hollywood business, and many use those evils to save themselves due to their lifestyle.
4. Beat it by Michael Jackson
The suggested reversed lyrics are not coherent enough to be considered any form of reversed lyrics or backmasking. However, I do believe that in other songs Jackson may of intentionally used backmasking due to the creativity he had with music.
5.Baby One More Time by Brittany Spears
The backmasking lyrics sound convincing enough that Spears made the intentional effort to incorporate them into her original lyrics. Her music is naturally intended to be seductive, and the backmasking lyrics of, “Sleep with me, I’m not too young” can relate to her past relationships of dating older men when she first started her pop career.
6. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss by Yoko Ono
The backmasking lyrics could be translated into any words that have the same number of syllables as the suggested lyrics, thus meaning she did not intentionally say “I shot John Lennon.” Many people were not big fans of Yoko Ono and had the potential of using these lyrics against her.
7. Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
The lyrics sound like they could be intentional backmasking, but I believe it was just a coincidence. It does not sound exactly like how the words would be read how they were said in the song.
8.Break On Through by The Doors
Due to the shortness of the lyrics I do not believe the backmasking was intentional, but it sounds pretty close to the suggested lyrics. The reverse lyrics have no connection to the regular lyrics strengthening my believe that it was only a coincidence.
9.My Name Is...by Eminem
There is definite backmasking in the lyrics due to the connection of the song title and the suggested reversed lyrics. It is a very creative twist to his song.
10. I’m So Tired by The Beatles
Many would assume that the backmasking in this song is intentional due to previous rumors of Paul McCartney being dead, but the reversed lyrics are a bit of a stretch when the music is played with them. But, the subtle hints are what got the suspicions to occur in the first place, so why not this one too? It is indeed a mystery behind The Beatles.
There is definite backmasking in the lyrics due to the connection of the song title and the suggested reversed lyrics.